30 July 2022 - 100% of our lifts are spinning!
We are stoked to announce that 100% of our terrain is open today for skiing and snowboarding, including the iconic Olympic T – Bar, which has made it’s season debut this morning. That’s right all 48 lifts are spinning across our 4 resort areas, with over 100 different runs to choose from.
Hitting our slopes? Why not try a resort marathon! Head to the starting line at Mount P for some speedy warm up laps and make your way over to the Leichhardt terrain park for a cheeky jib. From there meet up with your mates at Perisher Valley, jump on the V8 and slide on down to Smiggin Holes for some cruisy runs and a quick pit stop at Smiggins Pub.
Once you’ve had a breather make your way up the Interceptor chair and get those legs pumping at Blue Cow, carving some quick turns down a mountain favourite, Rollercoaster. Quickly jump on The Ridge chairlift and make your way over to our last resort area Guthega, for some sneaky laps through the trees.
Check out some snaps of Olympic T - Bar below