
Inside Epic Australia - 07 July 2019

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Welcome to Perisher's Leadership Terrain

At Perisher, leadership is not about a title, it’s about behaviour and the impact you have on others. It’s about how you create authentic relationships, realise self-awareness, understand and manage your emotions, and the emotions of the people around you. It requires mindful listening - both in understanding what others are saying as well as how they are feeling. It requires a high level of candour, always done in the service of others.

Fulfilling your potential as a leader at Perisher requires a continuous journey through what we call Leadership Terrain. This Terrain is characterised by taking risks, being vulnerable, challenging yourself and embracing personal development. It is a commitment to continuous learning, elevating individuals and teams to reach their highest potential, and striving to deliver extraordinary results.

As leaders, it is our responsibility to hold one another to these expectations. Together, by navigating this Leadership Terrain, we drive the company to its true potential and create the Experience of a Lifetime for our teams, guests, and ourselves. We seek out those who are brave, ambitious and passionate to join us on this journey!

By being a part of Perisher’s Leadership Terrain, we aim to:

  • Identify career goals
  • Communicate interests
  • Share expertise and experience
  • Pursue development opportunities.

See the links below if you would like more information or to apply for Perisher’s Leadership Terrain: 


